“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh
About the MLPA
The Mirror Lake Protective Association (“MLPA”) is a non profit tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation formed in 1991 to help maintain and preserve the environmental quality of Mirror Lake, a 378-acre lake located in the towns of Wolfeboro and Tuftonboro in Carroll County, New Hampshire.
- Protect and preserve Mirror Lake, NH and the surrounding wildlife and wildlife habitat
- Promote and educate the residents about the lake and its history
Founded in 1991, the Mirror Lake Protective Association seeks to: protect the water quality and shoreline of Mirror Lake; preserve the integrity of its natural environment within the watershed for the benefit of its inhabitants, flora, and fungi; promote sound conservation and land use management practices; encourage environmentally safe recreation; and increase knowledge of the lake and its history.
Interesting Neighbors
Our resident eagles make it clear that Mirror Lake and the surrounding land and wildlife are robust. After all, they are on the top of the food chain and have had plenty to keep them going over the years. As long as eagles are interested, we’re in great shape. And this year moose were added to our wildlife! So, how about that!
All lakes in NH face problems with cyanobacteria and invasive aquatic plants and MLPA has teams and protocols in place to address these issues.

Lead sinkers nearly made loons extinct. Lead is banned.

Invasive Plants
Contact a Weed Watcher if you spot purple loosestrife.

Use the Cyano Protocol if you spot a suspicious patch on the water.

Follow Best Management Practices on your property to minimize phosphorus.
The MLPA is involved with a number of activities, including participation in the University of New Hampshire Center for Freshwater Biology’s New Hampshire Lakes Lay Monitoring Program, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Service’s Volunteer Assessment Program and the state-sponsored Lake Host Program and Weed Watcher Program.
In addition, the MLPA supports, through charitable donations, the New Hampshire Lakes Association,
the Lakes Region Conservation Trust, the Loon Preservation Committee, and Friends of Libby Museum. The annual operating budget of the MLPA is funded by the annual membership contributions of its members and special donations and grants.
The Town of Tuftonboro contributes to the cost of the laboratory analysis of water samples collected by volunteers under the UNH Lay Lakes Monitoring Program.
MLPA’s Volunteer Programs
The MLPA Relies on Active Volunteers
The MLPA relies on active volunteers to maintain and care for Mirror Lake, NH and its watershed. Described below are MLPA’s various volunteer programs carried out by community members. If you interested in participating or have any questions please feel free to contact us at anytime.
MLPA Board of Directors
MLPA Board of Directors serve for three years
Mirror Lake Protective Association Officers
President: Kathleen Sciarappa
Vice President: Val Zanchuk
Treasurer: Robin Muench
Secretary: Fran O’Donoghue
Mirror Lake Protective Association Board of Directors
Director: John Dawson
Director: Dusty Davies
Director: Larry Gil
Director: Gene Kelley
Director: Steve Scapicchio
Director: Ann Torregrossa
MLPA Committee Members
Buoys and Markers
- Steve Cloutier
Community Engagement
- Beth Argeros
- Fran O’Donoghue
- Len Bonfanti
- Robin Muench
- Seamas O’Scalaidhe
- Kathy Sciarappa
Lake Host
- Phil Cassidy
- Denise Ferriman
- Larry Gil, Chair
- Al Hardiman
- Denise Katz
- Christina Sciarappa
Loon Nest
- T.R. Wood
Land Conservation Committee
- Dusty Davies
- John Dawson, Chair
- Larry Gil (Tuftonboro Conservation Commission)
- Gary Philbin
- Robin Muench
- Steve Scapicchio (Tuftonboro Conservation Commission)
- Kathy Sciarappa
- Ann Torregrossa
- Steve Scapicchio
- Kathy Sciarappa
MLPA Apparel
- Beth Argeros
- Suzanne Maus
- Norma Milne
NH Legislative Committee
- Marilyn Edelhoch, Chair
Water Quality Monitoring
- Tom Bissett
- Steve Cloutier
- Larry Gil
- Al Hardiman
- Sharon Koning
- Fran O’Donoghue
- John Orrall
- Steve Scapicchio
- Val Zanchuk
Watershed Management Planning Team
- Laura Diemer
- Larry Gil
- Steve Scapicchio
- Kathy Sciarappa
- Val Zanchuk
- To be determined
- Steve Scapicchio
- Kathy Sciarappa
Weed Watching (Aquatic Plants)
- Claudia and Tom Bissett
- Jeanne Freeze
- Alan Hardiman
- Sharon Koning
- Kip Lachner
- Norma Milne, Chair
- Glenda Philbin
- Tiina Urv
Welcome Team
- Chipmunk Lane/Oak Hill: Kathy Sciarappa
- Mirror Lake Estates: VACANT
- Governor Wentworth Highway: VACANT
- Museum Shores: Doris Briggs
- Anna McCarthy: VACANT
- Church Lane and side areas: VACANT
Winter Mail Collection
- Suzanne Maus

How Can I Join the MLPA?
Please fill out the online form on the Membership & Support page. All contributions are tax deductible, to the extent permitted by law.