All orders are to be postmarked by 07-27-2012. Select your items, calculate your total due, and send the completed form with your check, payable to MLPA, to the address shown on the order blank. No credit card or cash payments will be accepted. Questions can be sent to: or by calling 603-226-3712.
What about sizing? Refer to the charts provided in the attachement.
What about additional color sections? Our color selections were made to coordinate and compliment the Mirror Lake Loon and Lake logo.
When and how will I receive my order?
For those who select shipping, we expect that shipments will be made by the middle of August, depending upon production.
You have two delivery options: USPS shipping or, if you reside in Tuftonboro or Wolfeboro, we will contact you to arrange pick up or delivery. So please give us your preferred method of contact on the bottom of the form.
Will additional items be available?
Based on demand and your input, we hope to add more items in 2012/2013. Please provide us with your comments and suggestions on the bottom of your order form, or e-mail them to either: or We want to hear what is most important to our Mirror Lake friends and neighbors!