NH Lakes Association:
The NH Lakes Association alerts the public about bills that impact lakes and, as necessary, lake
association members are encouraged to contact their representatives to offer opinions on bills
to either support or fight. For a NH Lakes Association summary of lake related bills in the NH
Legislative session visit the NH Lakes Advocacy sections on State Government and Make Your Voice Heard.
Mirror Lake, NH Regulations
A selection of regulations that impact Mirror Lake, NH.
Select your topic to be directed to that section or scroll down to view all relevant recent regulations posted.
Water Safety
Boat Registration: https://www.dmv.nh.gov/vehicles-boats-or-titles/boat-registrations
NH laws requiring boating education and licensing for 25 horsepower and above
Boating Education: https://www.nhsp.dos.nh.gov/our-services/field-operations-bureau/marine-patrol/boating-education
How to register or renew your boat with the state of NH on an annual basis
Healthy Swimming Mapper: https://www.des.nh.gov/water/healthy-swimming/healthy-swimming-mapper
Up-to-date list of beach closures in NH, including Mirror Lake (should that happen) due to outbreaks
Life Jackets: https://www.wildlife.nh.gov/fishing-new-hampshire/boating-and-access
Rules and laws for boating safety in NH
Towing people behind a boat: https://www.nhsp.dos.nh.gov/our-services/field-operations-bureau/marine-patrol/marine-patrol-faq#:~:text=How%20many%20people%20can%20be,motorboat%20at%20the%20same%20time
NH Marine Patrol rules for water skiing, tubing, and boat-towing people in any fashion
Fire Safety
Burning: https://www.des.nh.gov/home-and-recreation/air-quality/open-burning
NH prohibitions around burning and the need for town fire permits for any kind of burning; check town regulations and/or your local fire department before burning.
Fireworks: Fireworks and New Hampshire’s Lakes (PDF)
There are growing concerns about the use of fireworks around New Hampshire’s Lakes.
Land Protection
Septic Systems: https://nhlakes.org/wp-content/uploads/Septic-Fact-Sheet.pdf
How a septic system works and what is needed to care for a septic system
Shoreline Protection Act: https://www.epa.gov/laws-regulations/summary-shore-protection-act
A summary of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) laws and policies regarding shorelines
Hunting License: https://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/licensing/3ways.html
How to buy or renew a hunting license through NH Fish and Game
Pets and the Lake: https://www.des.nh.gov/home-and-recreation/your-health-and-environment/pet-health-and-environment
Descriptions of how to keep your pet safe and healthy as well as how to protect the lake from animal waste
Wildlife Harassment: https://www.wildlife.nh.gov/
Fines and other legal consequences for harassing or killing aquatic wildlife
For a Lake Winnipesaukee Association review of lake related bills to track:
Here is the legislative connection and how to find your local representatives:
Speak Up, Mirror Lake NH!
MLPA recommends composing an email, sending a letter, and/or making a call to NH Legislative Committee members when you support a proposed bill or believe a proposed bill is harmful to Mirror Lake or the surrounding area.
Your correspondence should include the following:
1.) Introduce yourself and explain why you are writing in a polite and respectful manner.
2.) Include the title of the bill in the subject line when discussing specific legislation.
3.) In the first sentence or two, state whether you support or oppose the bill and why.
4.) Consider adding a personal anecdote and include how the bill would affect you and your community.
5.) Include your contact information: name, phone number, address and email. NH has one of the largest legislative bodies in the world making your voice important.
Legislators do listen and the more they hear about a bill the more they are influenced.