“Slow the Flow of Phosphorus to the lake!”

During the summer of 2012 as part of a Section 319 Clean Water Act Grant, Dusty Davies, Pres. of the MLPA, working closely with Kathy Sciarappa, a Board Member of the MLPA and Chairperson of the MLPA Education Committee,  assembled a team of professionals and watershed stakeholders to design and build ten Rain Gardens & Stormwater Improvement Projects. The intended impact of these projects is to “Slow the Flow of Phosphorus to the lake!”  The video shows four of the ten sites.

The following video is available on Youtube in both high resolution and a mobile version.

Mobile version:

 High Resolution version: 


MLPA Yard Sale

Save up your favorite items for the MLPA Yard Sale! You may have a table for selling or simply attend for fun and great deals. Date: Saturday August 31 Time: 9:00am-2:00pm Place: Mirror Lake Community Church Rt 109

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